How to thicken lines in Photoshop?

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Welcome to the topic “How to thicken lines in Photoshop.”

Photoshop is the best tool for all creative artists and allows them to show their creativity in the best way possible. There are many tools and features in Photoshop that can be called ‘creative weapons’ for designers, such as pen and brush tools.

Furthermore, Photoshop is not limited to Brush and Pen tools; there are dozens of other creative tools that are more than enough to show you the ropes, and from beginners to experts, all can acquire benefit from them.

In this read, we will focus on the lines and the tools associated with them. This guide will reveal and teach you how to thicken lines in Photoshop after drawing them, along with other valuable info.

Use the Brush Tool to Thicken Lines in Photoshop:

How to thicken lines in Photoshop is the most asked question about the photoshop and we are sharing one of the easiest way of doing that below. Along with the “How to thicken lines in Photoshop” answer, we have share more tricks, don’t forget to check them too.

Let’s get started!

Before we move on to thicken the lines by using the Brush tool, let’s check out how you can draw a straight line via brush. To draw a line with this iconic Photoshop tool, opt for the brush tool by pressing B, or you can get it from the tool panel on the side.

Now go to the brush settings, and pick a suitable size. This sizing includes the right thickness of your brushstroke along with the stiffness of your brush.

To draw a solid and accurate line, always keep the tool’s hardness to 100%. This setting will provide you with a beautiful line with sharp edges in your brush strokes.

Next, you will have to set the opacity and flow. Ensure that both these functions are set to 100%.

In our opinion, if you want the cleanest and sleekest lines, keep the brush level to 100%. This smoothing will wash away all the irregularities from your brush strokes and give sharp lines. Moreover, this will also give you flawless brush strokes and perfect line thickness every time!

Keep the settings in the correct order, and start creating a new layer. Now select the newly created layer and drag it on your canvas to make a line.

By moving your mouse cursor in the exact shape you want to draw, you can make any line using the brush tool with the right thickness.

Lines in Photoshop

Thicken and Draw the Line via Pen Tool:

The pen tool is the iconic tool in Photoshop. It serves many purposes. You can use it to make a line, thicken the line, paths and to create selections. Furthermore, the tool is also the best in Photoshop, as it offers full precision and control over your images.

Here we will use the pen tool to draw creative line shapes with adequate thickness. Whether you wish to draw a line wave, a lightning effect, or a basic straight line, the pen tool can do it for you with perfection.

Draw Thick Lines with The Pen Tool in Photoshop:

The pen tool is located on the toolbar, or you can press P on the keyboard, to use the pen tool in Photoshop.

The first thing to remember is the pen mode. When it comes to lines, set the mode to “Shape” to use your pen path into a line.

Next, you need to modify the fill color to transparent, shown in the white box with the red lines. Or you set the color accordingly as per the image.

Now, you have to choose a stroke color to pick the perfect shade of your line. However, you can change the color anytime, so nothing to worry about!

Now comes the important point, the line thickness. First set the stroke size according to the thickness of the line that you need. If you are not sure about the line’s thickness, we recommend you keep it around 25px as it is the safest bet.

With these settings, click any place on your canvas to draw new anchor points. These points will provide you complete control over your path and help in setting the start and endpoint of your line.

While making anchor points, click and drag the cursor to arc your pen path. This will allow you to create a curvy line.

However, if you do not need a curvy line, instead you want to draw a straight line, continue scrolling down to learn the procedure.


How to Draw Thick Straight Lines Using Pen Tool

Drawing thick straight lines by using the Photoshop Pen Tool is straightforward. This is because Photoshop automatically draws straight lines between your created anchor points.

Having said that, hold the Shift button while drawing anchor points. It will ensure that each line is straight; either you create it horizontally or vertically.

The positioning of your mouse cursor does not matter here. The shortcut will place anchor points and helps you to make straight lines from your created anchor point, either horizontally or vertically.

Drawn Thicken Lines in Photoshop using the Pen Tool:

Meanwhile, the stroke thickness draws the line; this is what you should adjust to thicken your lines in Photoshop. Here is how you do it:

First, you have to pick the line’s layer and then click on the stroke value to increase or reduce it as needed.

Now you will see that your lines are getting thicker than before!

Thicken lines in Photoshop using Magic Wand Tool:

Step 1

First, open or draw the line in Photoshop.

Step 2

Next, go to the “Tools” that you will find on the left side of your Photoshop screen. Now, click on the fourth icon and look for the “Magic Wand Tool.”

Step 3

Now comes the exciting part. Here you need to click on any part of the lines in your image. Here you will see that the selected portion of the line looks a little thicker.

Step 4

Now, move to the Magic Wand toolbar that you will see at the topside and click on the “Add to selection” button. Now you can select the remaining part of the line.

Step 5

Next, look for the “Edit” button and pick “Stroke.” Now, enter the pixel number to increase the width of your drawn line. You can also set the color if you do not want the default black color. To do so, click on the color box. If you are trying to thicken a colored line, move your mouse cursor on the line/picture to activate the color toolbox and pick the color that you want to use. Ensure that location is set to “Center,” keep “Blending” at “Normal,” and maintain the “Opacity” to “100.” This is just an example; you can change the settings as per your needs.

Step 6

Tab on the “OK” button to thicken the lines using the Magic wand tool, and you are done.

Magic Wand Tool

How to thicken lines in Photoshop | In the End

By using all these methods, you can easily thicken lines in Photoshop. You can also draw perfect and straight lines by following these tips and procedures. Using different techniques like these helps to get the precise look and right thickness in your lines. Furthermore, all these methods are entirely different from each other and which one to use mainly depends on your specific image.

For typical uses, using the magic wand tool in Photoshop is the quickest and most straightforward way to thicken the lines in Photoshop. Plus, this tool allows you to customize all the aspects of your created lines. On the other hand, you can use the pen tool to set the thickness of curvy lines.

No matter which of these methods and tools you use, we guarantee one thing. Now you can quickly and accurately set the right thickness of your lines in Photoshop.

Happy Editing!

Do you have any questions regarding the topic How to thicken lines in Photoshop? Feel Free to comment down below.


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Thicken lines in Photoshop