Welcome to the topic “How To Delete Pokemon Trainer Club Account.”
Quick Guide to Deleting Pokémon Go Account
If you decide for whatever reason that you want to delete your Pokémon Go account permanently, this guide is going to help you out. You have a couple of options. Either you can uninstall the Pokémon app from your device, or you can delete your profile from the website to get rid of your official account permanently.
The thing that you need to understand before choosing one of the above options is that just removing or uninstalling the app from your device will not delete your profile. Thus your personal information and data will continue to be stored with the company, and is a distinct threat to your privacy.
So, if you think you have played the game enough or at its maximum potential, follow the steps given below to delete the Pokémon trainer club account permanently.
How to Delete Your Pokémon Trainer Club Go Account?
The stakes are much higher than you may imagine, and there will be no other choice available for you after deleting your Pokémon trainer club account. However, the good news is that you can save your private data from hackers and other abuses by permanently deleting your Pokémon Go profile.
But keep in mind that removing or deleting the profile and account of Pokémon trainer club Go is a bit different from deleting your other accounts. This is because you will not find any “delete account” button for this purpose. To delete the account and profile, you need to fill out the official delete request form, which you can look at on the official support website.
Once you fill out the delete request form, it usually takes a few weeks to get completely processed. After the necessary approval, all your information and other data will be deleted permanently. The complete process to delete your Pokémon trainer GO account is given below:
First, sign in to your Pokémon Trainer Club’s Official account by visiting the website (www.pokemon.com).
Then visit the profile page on the website and go to the bottom of the page.
Now you will see request data deletion; click on it. (Here, you will see a remove account page)
Now, enter the official username and pass in the tab to proceed further.
Then, click on the delete button. (After this, you will get an official email on your official email associated with your account for confirmation. Keep in mind that you cannot proceed with the request if you don’t have this email or you cannot access it due to any reason.)
In your email box, you will receive a delete account link. Click on it if you are sure about deleting your Pokémon account permanently.
After clicking on the link, you will see a confirmation page confirming that you have successfully erased your Pokémon Trainer Go Club account.
Note: keep in mind that after sending a request to delete a Pokémon Trainer Club account, even authorities at Pokémon cannot reactivate your account.
After doing so, you cannot access your deleted account, and you cannot play Pokemon Online anymore.
However, erasing your Pokémon Trainer Club GO account will not affect your Nintendo account.
Of course, it’s not an instant application. The processing might take a week or two to take hold; since we know that Pokemon Go has been having enough issues with keeping track of its registering users, separating old ones isn’t their biggest concern right now.
When Niantic Delete Inactive User Accounts?
As per terms of services issued by Niantic, if any user account remains inactive for 1 or 2 years, they have all the rights to remove that Pokémon Go account for obvious reasons.
What Happens if you Delete the Pokémon trainer Go club account?
Be extra careful when submitting the account deletion request. After submitting a deletion request of a Pokémon Trainer Club GO account, Pokémon authorities will not reactivate the account. This also means you cannot access any of your previous account credentials and details. Obviously, you cannot use this account for game play!
Can I create multiple accounts from a single account?
No, you cannot create multiple profiles from your one account. To use your same Pokémon Club Trainer account, you need to remove your existing account and wait for your request to get approved and accounts get deleted. Then you can create a new account. (Subject to concern’s approval)
Will deleting the Pokémon Go App delete the trainer club account?
Deleting the Pokémon Go app off your smartphone or device will not erase your Pokémon Trainer’s Go profile.
How to ensure privacy while playing Pokémon?
The best way to maintain your privacy while using the Pokémon app or playing games online is to use a VPN. By doing so, your original IP address will not be visible to others.
Can I opt-out of sharing information in Pokémon GO?
If you want all of the features and functions of the Pokémon GO Trainers Club account, you need to agree and accept the terms and conditions issued by the officials. This also includes your personal and profile information.
However, it is your right to make an information modification/deletion appeal to the concerns or opt-out of sharing SOME information if the concerns allow. For this purpose, you need to send your request to this email address pokemongo-privacy@nianticlabs.com.
Pokémon Go Profile: Why Should You Delete It?
Privacy is not only a trending debate in recent times but a serious concern of millions of internet users around the world. And Pokémon Go, just like other apps and programs, has raised the issue to a whole new level.
For all beginners out there, let me tell you that it’s not the company alone that stores and might take advantage of your personal data. There are some third-party developers involved in the process that create fake Pokémon Go profiles and apps to trap innocent and new users.
The second and more important thing is that there are complicated data collection policies from the company that users often overlook when creating an account.
For example, your location and your camera are not the only features retrieved by the company. The following information is also retained by the company when you agree to accept their terms and conditions while creating the account:
The company gathers and stores personal information such as your name, date of birth, Google email address, Facebook user id, along with other details. Furthermore, if you are signing up for the Pokémon account on behalf of any minor, you will have to submit additional information such as the first and last digits of your SSN (social security number).
Another thing is, developers have full rights to utilize cookies and similar tracking technologies to view and monitor your actions. These actions are related to your gameplay and behavior and the chats and messages you send to other players.
Some other vital data that the company collects includes your IP address, Operating system version, and browser type. Other than the game developer, some other third-party companies also save cookies on your system or device.
Do you have any questions in mind regarding the topic How To Delete Pokemon Trainer Club Account? Feel free to comment below.
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