The term fascism is quite common nowadays, and everyone is aware of it. Fascism comes from the word ‘Fascio,’ which means bundle in Italian and represents a bundle of people. Experts refer to fascism as a movement that promotes the idea of a controlled and monolithic nation that is completely in control of an autocratic ruler.
Although the term has been used quite commonly at different periods of history, ‘Crypto Fascist’ was initially used by famous German Theodor W. Adorno. This term became well-known during the occurrence of the chaos at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. A crypto fascist is known to be a secret supporter of fascism. Normally it is an individual or a group who follows this ideology by supporting it secretly, in order to avoid any political persecution.
Who is a Crypto Fascist?
A crypto fascist is one who supports and admires fascism secretly. They support fascism in a hidden way, which means that they have a completely different ideological concept than what they pretend to have. They have not been able to find any other movement that reflects their true beliefs sufficiently. Therefore, they remain hidden to avoid censure.
If we look into crypto fascist’s non-literal versions, then we will come to know that the real engagement of crypto fascists in public discourse is aimed at concealing their beliefs without divulging their general behavior and their motive. Basically, a crypto fascist supports the goals of fascism through dog-whistle politics, in which coded or suggestive language is used in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. Their actions are designed to hide or obscure the hidden messaging. The goal of the entire charade is to shift the main focus away from any criticism, and place the focus on minor details instead.
Crypto Fascists and Cryptocurrency
The number of crypto fascists may be increasing, especially since cryptocurrency has started to rise dramatically. A new economy has been enabled by Bitcoin that leads it to some extraordinary heights. As Bitcoin has gained tremendous popularity worldwide, it has enabled a new online arena for gambling, lotteries, and games in a completely different way known as ‘Bitcoin Casino.’
Many people may still be unfamiliar with bitcoins. Based on blockchain technology, bitcoin is one of the most popular digital currency systems on the globe. Nowadays, bitcoin casinos are a growing trend all over the world, offering gambling and money-based games using the bitcoin currency.
By using bitcoin, the casinos are offering a broad range of options for those players who want to bet their money on different games, including casino games, gambling games, spread betting, sports, and online lotteries. It is worth noting for anyone that these are not less than the crypto fascists who basically support fascism.
Important Things to know About Bitcoin Casino
The biggest online arena for gambling, lotteries, sports, gaming, and other types of big games that primarily deal with cryptocurrency is the bitcoin casino. Even though they are illegal in a few countries, including the United States, they are still quite popular because of the anonymity they offer. One should also understand that the online gaming variations offer an unlimited number of transactions and a zero-transaction fee each day.
There is no doubt that bitcoin casinos have had a huge impact on the bitcoin market, but there may be very little data about this. SatoshiDice, Benzino, and Strike Sapphire are examples of some of the highly eminent bitcoin casinos that tend to accept cryptocurrency.
How do Bitcoin Casinos Operate?
Bitcoin has been able to run the gambling and online gaming business because of its best software usage. Because of the large gaming casino user base, they have developed high quality gaming software. It is worth noting that some of the small players tend to use the purchased or rented versions, which one can customize by adding unique features to the game. This gambling or gaming software can run or conduct its game with very little human intervention.
As bitcoin casino is an online casino that is digital-currency-based, it has to face a number of challenges in order to convince its users about the fairness of all its operations. But, the majority of bitcoin casinos have been able to gain the trust of their audience by clearly disclosing how all their software algorithms work.
Though it all depends on the uniqueness of the games offered by the bitcoin casinos, Poker is among the most imminent of the games to be offered. Many other lotteries, gambling, and games are restricted in some parts of the world; therefore, one needs to search for them before taking any steps.
How Does Fascism Overtake Democracy?
Fascism can continue to grow in those countries where the right ingredients exist. First of all, it grows in countries suffering from an economic crisis. Secondly, if a general opinion starts to take place in the public that an existing institution or a democratic government is not able to improve the situation of the nation. Lastly, it is about having a sense of greatness. People often follow those leaders who make them believe that they are capable of restoring the greatness of the nation, and will ofter tolerate the loss of civil liberties.
If a democratic country decides to follow fascism, then it would be violating or eliminating its constitution, dissolving the constitution and the house of representatives so that the leader is able to attain the power. There are some constitutions, including the United States, that open themselves to fascism by protecting the free market. This includes the protection of technology innovation with copyrights, private property protection by prohibiting government seizures and searches, and a lot more.
How Can We Identify a Crypto Fascist?
One can identify a crypto fascist through a number of red flags, like repeating certain terms and contexts that have been used as condemnation or praise in isolation. Suppose one happens to come across individuals who use terms like the rule of law, free market, scientific method, private property, free trade, work ethics, and dictatorship when talking about democracy, and then use the term democracy while pointing at a puppet state. In such a case, it is a waste of time to engage in any argument with these people.
What are the Characteristics of Fascism?
The following are the most common characteristics of fascist regimes.
- Nationalism
When people follow nationalism, they tend to go back to the golden age. This means that they return to the virtuous, simple, and pastoral life.
- Usurpation
In usurpation, the state normally gets involved with the corporate power in order to overtake.
- Mass appeal
With the mass appeal, the leaders start to believe that the state’s general public is able to achieve anything. If they cannot achieve it, then it is only because of the saboteurs, minority groups, and the naysayers.
- Militarism
This type of fascism involves leaders who happen to glorify military strength through propaganda.
- Involvement of Government
The government starts to take an active role along with its leader to suppress dissent. Later on, they reward those people who actively report against each other.
- Father of the Nation
This is a type of fascism in which an individual assumes the role of a father figure towards his nation.
- Persecution
The state is able to persecute its opponents and minority groups by using violence.
The Popular Vidal and Buckley Incident
In 1968, there was a heated conversation between Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley at the Democratic Narional Convention, when they were able to watch the footage of Chicago cops clubbing hippies in Lincoln Park.
William Buckley was in complete support of the strict actions that the cops took at that time in order to maintain order. On the other hand, Gore was defending the rights and actions of the hippies, based on the rights of assembly and free speech. Their exchange became very catty, and at one point Vidal called Buckley a “Crypto-Nazi”.
Vidal later renounced his words and clarified that he actually meant to call Buckley a Crypto Fascist. If we go back about five years from the incident, we see a term that actually came into use in Theodor Adorno’s critique of the dominant climate of post-war Germany.
Vidal tried to explain his understanding of the concept of a crypto fascist. He stated that in the interest of political expediency, a person who is great at hiding their fascist leanings is actually a crypto fascist. Vidal also claimed that he was distracted by the moderator, who actually brought up the Nazi’s reference in the middle of the conversation.
Bottom Line
Because of the incident between Vidal and Buckley, crypto fascist is a term considered to be highly controversial, motivated by malice. In order to avoid political chaos, this particular term is normally circumvented by leaders and experts.
Do you have any questions in mind regarding Crypto Kirby? Feel Free to comment below because we love to hear from our readers.
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8 thoughts on “CRYPTO FASCIST | All You Need To Know About”
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